Pronouns : 07e

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Wichtiger Hinweis !Trage in die Lücken die richtigen Begriffe ein.

  1. I have got a pig.
  2. You have got a dog.
  3. He has got a rabbit.
  4. She has got a horse.
  5. have got a cat.
  6. have got a goose.
  7. have got a cow.
It belongs to me.
It belongs to you.
It belongs to him.
It belongs to her.
It belongs to .
It belongs to .
It belongs to .
It's my pig.
It's your dog.
It's his rabbit.
It's her horse.
It's cat.
It's goose.
It's cow.
It's mine.
It's yours.
It's his.
It's hers.
It's .
It's .
It's .

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